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BI Analytics

Venture Advisory has launched BI Analytics to help our clients achieve their growth aspirations via performance tracker that is both real-time and accurate. The platform improves responsibility and accountability by having clear evidence-based metrics to focus on and so much more.

Why Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics is important?

We believe that making the highest quality decisions requires substantial real time information about your company and the environment in which it operates. These are some of the most common questions that are asked:

  • How is my business tracking against my business plan and budget?

  • What is my cash flow position and what is the outlook?

  • How big is the market within which I operate and what are the key trends and growth rates?

  • Where can I find new pockets of growth domestically or offshore?

  • How well is the economy tracking and how does this impact my business?

  • How well are my peer group and competitors performing?

  • What is my valuation and what valuation multiples do my peer groups trade on?

If you have been asking any or all of these questions and would like to have all these answers readily available via an online real time solution, stored safely in the cloud you need to have a platform that will deliver BI and Analytics to you.

Venture Advisory has spent the past 10 years working very closely in partnership with high growth technology clients to assist them in their quest for growth. We strive to help these companies navigate their way through complex decisions, major transactions and capital raising transactions to fund this growth

At the core to this assistance is having access to accurate, real time information - which is now available through our BI Analytics platform.

On-boading through to real time tracking

We can have you up and running over a 6-8 week period by following a simple process.


Understand you business, the sources of internal and external information sources and develop key performance indicators

(Typically 1-2 weeks)

Build Platform

Build APIs to key sources, charts and tables, performance trackers and dashboard relevant for key interest groups such as senior leadership team, boards and shareholders

(Typically 4-6 weeks)


Maintain and improve the Key Performance Indicators and Dashboards to ensure accurate realy time information is delivered in real time.


Governance and enhancing accountability

Governance and accountability is at the core of good performance. Creating the appropriate transparency with the relevant metrics reinforces a robust governance structure between shareholders, boards, management and key operations:

  • Shareholders - seeking to understand the business performance including key high level metrics such as valuation and ROI, sales growth and other financial and non financial information to manage the investment and vote on key shareholder resolutions

  • Company Boards - key role in the governance of the business and to hold the management team responsible for performance against annually agreed business plans and budgets

  • Senior Leadership Team - collectively responsible to each other and the business as a whole to performance against plan and work together to deliver these outcomes

  • Business Heads such seeking to manage their particular divisions or functional roles mostly on daily basis relying on realy time information around e.g. CRM or other operational metrics.

Whilst each layer of governance traditionally has followed a particular cadence e.g. Shareholders (quarterly or half yearly), Boards (monthly), Management team (weekly) and Business Heads (weekly or daily) there are significant benefits of creating real time information. For example, there are significant benefits for Board members to have access to information to check in between board meetings and become more closely aligned to the business.

Saving time and resources

If you ever feel that you are not on top of facts and figures and no sooner have you finished preparing a board report that you need to start drafting the next board report - you are not alone. We estimate that most small to medium enterprise businesses have a team of around 2-4 employees and contractors repeating the same tasks monthly. Our BI Analytics approach reduces stress and allows these people to get on with their jobs, rather than the 'downtime' of reporting. This process has both a performing enhancing effect as well as reducing stress and saving costs. 

Moving to the real-time in the cloud

As the business world moves its process and systems to the cloud, it is now both possible and arguably essential that your business intelligence does as well. Having this information provides you with a competitive advantage

The Old way

Manual | Out of date
  • Manual updating performance metrics

  • Information out of date by the time it reaches the audience (weekly reports for management, monthly reports for Boards, quarterly reports for Shareholders)

  • Time consuming to prepare and subject to human error

The new way

Automatic | Accurate
  • APIs connect key information to single dashboard

  • URL accessed controlled by audience level (e.g. shareholders, board, management, teams)

  • Single source of truth - with realy time accurate information

  • Consistency of information

  • Clear accountability and reporting

Our partnership approach

Venture Advisory work alongside your business every step of the way to ensure that you attain your goals.

Our services span from an initial review to assess your business and informational requirements that is best suited to your strategic goals. Customised BI Analytics aligns your business to measuring the metrics that matter most, shine a light on these metrics and allow businesses to work constructively towards its outcomes.

We have the people, resources and experiences to fill in the gaps and make it pleasant experience. We are also committed to staying close after onboarding and putting the BI Analytics platform in action. Ongoing adjustments with minimal disruption are crucial to success.

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